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[玩具召回] Toy Maracas Recalled by Tupperware U.S. Due to Choking and Suffocation Hazards

发表于 2009-4-17 11:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Name of Product: Shape-O Toy Maracas
4 }2 m( @! x  o! g: i  C% P) a6 _+ SUnits: About 44,000- D3 u: @1 c/ }' I
Importer: Tupperware U.S. Inc., of Orlando, Fla.
$ P! w6 Y$ N* VHazard: The maracas can break and expose small parts, posing a choking hazard to young children. In addition, the handle poses a suffocation hazard to young children.
! s9 L- m% o1 f6 f+ `/ wIncidents/Injuries: Tupperware has received two reports of maracas breaking. No injuries have been reported.
$ j& B- E# [: a+ Y- v$ f  l" G$ jDescription: This recall involves blue and red toy maracas with yellow handles. The maracas were used by Tupperware representatives during sales presentations. Cut-outs in the shape of stars, squares and other geometric figures are located inside the maraca.$ ?$ Z+ |" g/ g' j( m1 r
Sold by: Tupperware抯 Holiday 2007 and Spring 2008 product catalogs from September 2007 through April 2008 for between $5.50 and $11.
0 B5 e$ E, ~4 @: B4 h( J- F+ f0 cManufactured in: China
7 w; Z3 _1 e5 O& v" K8 IRemedy: Consumers and Tupperware sales consultants should immediately stop using the maracas and return them to Tupperware for a refund or gift certificate. Maraca return forms can be accessed at www.tupperware.com
" ]+ }  x# w: r8 u: _/ K4 [Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Tupperware at (888) 887-9273 between 8:30 a.m. and 9 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, or visit the firm抯 Web site at www.tupperware.com: b; `- C1 N% U- R0 k
! i- A+ x% e5 J0 O7 o5 |/ {
6 K/ o& ~! R# x8 H' c+ n, a
发表于 2009-4-17 11:57 | 显示全部楼层
这种产品怎么还能开发出来销售呢? 很明显手柄处就不符合标准了. 此产品被召回不冤.
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