可以参考BS EN62115 中的内容:
0 s3 T/ ^, M% D0 V) _
3 n: M1 i% v6 ^& j) u3 H其中欧洲的共同偏差用C字小旗指出:
* O% `8 F: U2 p- l6 z$ S5 X
# U% f4 e) j' O7 UThe CENELEC common modifications have been implemented at the appropriate places in the text. The start and finish of each common modification is indicated in the text by tags C>内容<C. Where a common modification has been introduced by amendment, the tags carry the number of the amendment. For example, the common modifications introduced by CENELEC amendment A11 are indicated by C11> 内容 <C11‚. |