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[玩具标准] EN 71-1:2005/prA8:2008

发表于 2009-4-27 13:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
EN 71-1:2005/prA8:2008
发表于 2009-4-27 17:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-4-28 00:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-4-29 23:14 | 显示全部楼层
PR A8主要内容$ i3 C* a* W8 a% u4 Z3 J/ U
* J) c( V4 S$ [1 N, n! H! u
5 b* a( s* n; }6 q) R' ]

% Z' e* R" N* Y" w, b$ t% ^. g% n4 {5 a+ v  a; W$ Z4 }( d1 F+ m' a
EN 71-1:2005/prA8:2008 (E)
0 F3 m4 \  S. o" u; }2
; _, Q, t4 Z; q$ K0 pContents Page1 p$ l2 u: S3 O
( ]  A8 K. p: e% p/ ^3 Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................4/ k0 {' W0 F7 |3 B6 m9 r9 `! v
4.23 Magnets (see A.51) ...............................................................................................................................4& _/ `! N  K$ n: [0 X0 z3 |
4.23.1 General...................................................................................................................................................4
2 {: ~' c* |4 j# G8 u0 P4.23.2 Toys other than magnetic/electrical experimental sets.....................................................................4& G9 G; x" m6 P; z
4.23.3 Magnetic/electrical experimental sets .................................................................................................4
; h' a2 [5 Q/ ^) M# p$ C7.20 Magnetic/electrical experimental sets (see 4.23 and A.51) ...............................................................5- x7 `4 T, v! D% }% P
8.34 Tension test for magnets (see A.51)....................................................................................................5
- b1 ^: K, p7 `' v; x( p; Y% y, V. F: I8.34.1 Principle.................................................................................................................................................5% ?7 v3 q  h2 G6 o
8.34.2 Toys that contain more than one magnet or magnetic component .................................................5+ r( G9 p3 _4 v8 g! S
8.34.3 Toys that contain one magnet only .....................................................................................................5# ^' h# M, y/ S0 c! `  y5 ^4 X
8.35 Magnetic flux index...............................................................................................................................6
/ q3 \, Y3 c- k3 [& K8.35.1 Principle.................................................................................................................................................6
. q1 g  S, \& \& U3 F. J1 ~8.35.2 Apparatus ..............................................................................................................................................62 L9 b! z8 D7 X. N
8.35.3 Procedure ..............................................................................................................................................61 Z" ]/ m* `) M) n
8.35.4 Calculation of magnetic flux index ......................................................................................................6- {, M0 f; {. U' V4 f
A.51 Magnets (see 4.23)................................................................................................................................7: F# \: V, L. o$ W7 O
EN 71-1:2005/prA8:2008 (E)
- i- b  |4 A! u- ~/ X) }) P8 BForeword
& j2 @! i+ }$ t0 u- i, o2 EThis document EN 71-1:2005/prA8:2008 has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 52 “Safety of
( e3 l' a$ t) ^toys”, the secretariat of which is held by DS.5 G! J9 `, M; N2 q" S
This document is currently submitted to the Unique Acceptance Procedure.8 N6 d2 k0 y- Z. }& j
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
6 m2 e. |2 ~5 i. n/ e4 bEuropean Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
4 T- ~2 e+ m1 t; Y6 N. W2 e+ HFor relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.5 f1 f' }2 t1 W2 y4 T3 W; R- m
EN 71-1:2005/prA8:2008 (E)
& {" q$ f& G( |8 X4
+ H( _9 {- Q. b+ b4 r3 Terms and definitions3 K7 S+ [+ j8 w: t$ g
Add new definitions:
) ?1 r. i6 C# e3.xx& m  d. G7 n& e0 q+ [' A
magnetic component
4 p; l: f0 m" \% T& p6 Qany part of a toy which contains an attached or fully or partially enclosed magnet4 A; f9 X3 y, n5 j
3.yy' {( w0 ^  d! X5 U- d
magnetic/electrical experimental set- i8 K; V% u+ w% Q" b1 i! g2 ^
toy containing one or more magnets intended for carrying out educational experiments involving magnetism
8 Z7 Q9 V3 v) ]  }and electricity) _% A4 V" G! I# U
NOTE - This definition does not include magnetic/electrical experimental sets in which all magnets have a magnetic flux
$ I4 [( L  N# e' c6 V! r% Zindex less than 50 kG2mm2 (0,5 T2mm2) when tested according to 8.35 (magnetic flux index), or do not fit entirely in the/ |/ l$ Q* Q, Z/ J% W
cylinder when tested according to 8.2 (small parts cylinder)2 b% Z+ t; a+ d1 N# j" P% Q" ~8 J
5 A5 a9 G2 V6 K( |9 Sfunctional magnet in electrical or electronic components of toys
- B. D! p" Q; |  D2 x7 kany magnet necessary for the function of motors, relays, speakers and other electrical or electronic
; `2 [5 X' o: y; |, O% k6 b0 w6 n+ vcomponents in a toy where the magnetic properties are not part of the play pattern of the toy7 G2 A! L/ f5 y. P/ _& S$ @
Add new clauses:
  X% F$ V  |; {5 k5 \# w4.23 Magnets (see A.51)4 R4 t: r. q4 [
4.23.1 General0 J) V$ W9 R3 y8 ~
The requirements in 4.23.2 do not apply to functional magnets in electrical or electronic components of toys.  R5 P6 C% x2 ]% z, U; P8 z; M
4.23.2 Toys other than magnetic/electrical experimental sets. Y# X+ s, N$ t) X- Q* }$ [" S
a) Any loose as-received magnet(s) and magnetic component(s) shall either have a magnetic flux index& D+ Z- d  w4 l6 L$ d
less than 50 kG2mm2 (0,5 T2mm2) when tested according to 8.35 (magnetic flux index), or shall not fit* V9 a' ?6 A6 b! V
entirely in the cylinder when tested according to 8.2 (small parts cylinder).3 f: }# `3 E2 c7 Z
b) Any magnet(s) and magnetic component(s) that become(s) released from a toy when tested: I) X. K6 t$ t0 R
according to 8.3 (torque test), (tension test, general), (tension test, seams and6 A5 q: U' @+ P) e/ \
materials), 8.5 (drop test), 8.7 (impact test), 8.8 (compression test), and finally, for magnets that are) C$ t/ z/ o1 @) s& C
accessible but not grippable (as specified in, 8.34 (tension test for magnets), shall either have
+ g% \& F. W: m3 ?) Oa magnetic flux index less than 50 kG2mm2 (0,5 T2mm2) when tested according to 8.35 (magnetic flux8 ~7 \! k( d6 l+ D' ^
index), or shall not fit entirely in the cylinder when tested according to 8.2 (small parts cylinder).
1 w: J( b. C4 ONOTE – An example of a magnet that is accessible but not grippable could be a magnet that is recessed." W( ^) E' G" b$ y
c) Wooden toys, toys intended to be used in water, and mouth-actuated toys shall be tested according to! U0 ?, w6 N, W% W; U2 u1 U# ?0 e
8.9 (soaking test) before being tested according to 4.23.2 b) above.0 ^- H0 f. T; ^
4.23.3 Magnetic/electrical experimental sets* V- L8 a' u. U6 w$ m' a
Magnetic/electrical experimental sets intended for children over 8 years shall carry a warning (see 7.20).3 L( G) C6 Z4 R" H" C. o/ ^) J) t5 L
EN 71-1:2005/prA8:2008 (E)
7 x2 y  ^7 s  w; g; u9 I; IAdd a new clause:
; K* G5 f3 g/ ^  Q# k/ g7.20 Magnetic/electrical experimental sets (see 4.23 and A.51)! p- v% R  P& U: Y4 X
The packaging and the instructions for use of magnetic/electrical experimental sets shall carry the following
+ m! M# w8 B* `$ ~  Gwarning:
! w5 i- C4 a: h! k“WARNING! Not suitable for children under 8 years. This product contains (a) small magnets(s).
8 g- N, C* E- z* d% sSwallowed magnets can stick together across intestines causing serious injuries. Seek immediate' k6 M: {+ s4 A0 \
medical attention if magnet(s) are swallowed”.
( P  A4 N1 r' ~  wAdd new clauses:% d3 B* k& z& d0 m* X
8.34 Tension test for magnets (see A.51)
. a  v* W9 f! k" d8.34.1 Principle
9 \" [2 Y4 Q6 a' U; E+ N9 zEither a magnet or a magnetic component, or a reference disc, is used in order to test whether an accessible, q" D, N. I2 g3 w2 M) N
but not grippable magnet in the toy can be detached by a magnetic pulling force.; @9 F$ v* j" }+ [- g5 P3 Z
The test shall simulate the intended or a reasonably foreseeable play pattern.
6 [  S' }) C# y  J' E8.34.2 Toys that contain more than one magnet or magnetic component) C: o9 S8 v+ ], t
Identify the magnet or magnetic component in the toy that is most likely to be able to detach the magnet that is
+ |1 J9 o+ L1 n/ A" ]to be subjected to the tension test.4 ?6 }/ I9 H8 J! K0 u
Without damaging the toy, place the magnet or magnetic component as close as possible to the magnet to be% F2 W4 q/ G9 k& A
tested. Gradually apply a pulling force to the magnet/magnetic component until it separates from the tested4 v2 \& u- f4 T+ d( u7 T$ r7 m
magnet or until the magnet is detached from the toy. Perform the test 10 times.
( r6 k2 {. I8 J$ \9 R4 VRepeat the procedure for any other magnet that according to 4.23.2 shall be subjected to the tension test for: N: k3 d8 P7 r4 A% ]
magnets.) O% X* C- {+ Z* q4 P# ^$ h0 a/ A
NOTE – If it is not possible to determine which magnet or magnetic component(s) in the toy that is most likely to be able to
9 w0 c: Z: F, @3 Ddetach the magnet that is to be subjected to the test, it is permissible to repeat the test with another magnet or magnetic7 R0 @( f3 e8 E4 ^) x- D" c
component from the toy.% v* a2 t0 z7 @& y1 ^: U
8.34.3 Toys that contain one magnet only
# U) u, N5 j0 b8 A6 u* A% E8.34.3.1 Apparatus9 p: z/ {, Q+ L. ~! |% w* X8 c/ n
A nickel disc with a minimum nickel content of 99 %, and having the following minimum dimensions:( ~5 Q8 p( l; m
- diameter (30 ± 0,5) mm
$ C! L% q& e! T9 I8 Z% `- length (10 ± 0,5) mm! X1 O1 n& M1 d: b% [
and having a surface roughness Ra according to EN ISO 4287 which is not greater than 0,40 μm.4 y. D2 n, e* |! L Procedure
  b& B2 \8 V& U8 V/ {) Q! W! ?2 PWithout damaging the toy, place the flat part of the nickel disc as close as possible to the magnet to be tested.
0 T9 l' @' T6 `Gradually apply a pulling force to the disc until it separates from the magnet or until the magnet is detached
' {* K; a; t! D! E. q  n0 x# f6 Y3 qfrom the toy. Perform the test 10 times.  q! S/ J8 g" z* z, F8 V
EN 71-1:2005/prA8:2008 (E)
+ S; v* e- W0 v6
  x: k, a4 [2 K, c8.35 Magnetic flux index
2 B# }: y- f! V2 r8.35.1 Principle
8 k/ N2 K2 f1 ]# }5 T9 u$ v' pThe magnetic flux index is calculated based on the results from measurements of the flux density and the pole+ n+ \3 Z# m+ R/ U
surface area.
  Z- y0 F( z1 P5 Q9 ?% s& N8.35.2 Apparatus6 w. F# v) G; u. M( }) R2 b Direct current field Gauss meter which is capable of determining the field to an accuracy of 5 G.1 L" h7 O8 ?. g* Y8 s
The meter shall have an axial type probe with8 v; ?* s9 i1 g+ b
- an active area diameter of (0,76 ± 0,13) mm- h/ j3 p; P4 p% I& ^, n% K7 e
- a distance between the active area and probe tip of (0,38 ± 0,13) mm.& r# R  _3 j5 f' L0 ]4 a$ R1 p Calliper square or similar device capable of determining dimensions to an accuracy of 0,1 mm.# T9 [! p8 X$ L! V) a' K
8.35.3 Procedure# v: k9 R6 K; Y" v& u6 g/ `) E Measurement of flux density
! q+ i  t8 w/ cPlace the tip of the Gauss meter’s probe in contact with the pole surface of the magnet. For a magnetic
4 r0 j+ o2 c* n2 y5 y1 b; Ncomponent (where the magnet is fully or partially imbedded in part of the toy), place the tip of the probe in
, @4 _0 O1 j8 x4 q/ {# T1 B+ Bcontact with the surface of the component.
' \" t* ?  T4 H- i/ mMaintain the probe in a position perpendicular to the surface.
7 u# u& W& @$ ^+ ?& wMove the probe across the surface to locate the maximum flux density.
- B) D! @: v5 p  sRecord the maximum flux density with an accuracy of ± 5 G.
9 f! e+ X% ~# d- J+ F. L6 ^ Measurement and calculation of the pole surface area
% W/ ?) H/ c9 p0 o1 D( q" JIf the magnet is imbedded/attached as part of a magnetic component, extract the magnet from the component4 X" X; ^0 d4 [( {: a2 p3 t
even if it is necessary to break the toy.1 Q: f; M; w  z4 R. m1 V/ `
If the pole is not flat (for example, hemispherical), measure the maximum diameter of the magnet
/ G, |; F5 \% @, z6 Y, _2 Kperpendicular to an axis through the magnet poles (see Figure xx), with an accuracy of ± 0,1 mm and% x# x6 o2 m9 q9 Z" n8 x6 J& X
calculate the area of the corresponding cross-section.
8 x8 ?' q+ A, @/ e: x% SIf the pole surface of the magnet is flat, measure the dimensions with an accuracy of ± 0,1 mm and calculate6 u6 |4 Y  j) p, n5 G# f( k) i
the area using the appropriate geometric formula.
) H$ s* K$ _7 {$ S9 S/ \For multi-pole magnets measure and calculate the area of the largest single pole, which can be identified
% y2 [; F9 Q% ^4 a% Z& G; L9 wusing magnetic field viewing film or equivalent.* a  ?: Y7 O" X% {) R
NOTE – An example of multi-pole magnet is a rubberized/plastoferrite magnet, consisting of multiple strips of0 y- M& m- t; J! Z( w2 |4 _
$ @; s6 O8 [. R# l. Y' E) D8.35.4 Calculation of magnetic flux index
0 ]2 T. Q/ P% x4 |: m) D' JThe flux index (kG2' C4 o9 {. U4 n5 P: n) u
mm2) is calculated by multiplying the calculated area of the pole surface (mm2) of the
# r" I6 p+ o( wmagnet by the square of the maximum flux density (kG2).; q" X7 V! \- M; ], Q
EN 71-1:2005/prA8:2008 (E)2 Q& a3 B3 l! L+ m! B- n) V" F
Key! o  A: O9 p% `7 p& ?, E
1 Maximum cross-section perpendicular to the axis* q/ h) J; K9 j9 Y) _
2 Axis through the magnet poles5 o$ C" J, C" O& w& T( n/ n
Figure xx – Maximum diameter of magnet with a non-flat pole
, I& E$ ?4 V4 P: n/ IAdd new clause in Annex A8 m3 s& Q) Y" {' l
A.51 Magnets (see 4.23)+ z% V- e5 M# N& o2 Q
These requirements are intended to address the hazards associated with ingestion of strong magnets (e.g." {) t+ a+ e  A+ }" u7 s1 \3 Z' Q: n
neodymium iron boron type magnets), that are capable of causing intestinal perforation or blockage. These- Y3 ^: f, Q# I9 q
hazards are additional to those associated with small parts such as suffocation or asphyxiation (see A.26).
9 s% R1 T. P7 j4 O% JThe requirements apply regardless of the intended age of the user.
" m* N6 g, s4 i. \+ r9 r# vMagnets found by children can be ingested. If more than one magnet, or one magnet and a ferromagnetic
- A5 ^' p/ s  ~: ^object (for example iron or nickel) is ingested, the objects can attract to each other across intestinal walls and
1 v5 h" c8 [1 Rcause perforation or blockage, which can cause severe injuries that may be fatal.
2 F; S. I. P% S0 TSeveral accidents, including one fatality, have been reported involving ingestion of magnets resulting in
9 [# n4 d0 [" d% qperforation or blockage of the intestines. Most accidents have occurred with children between the ages of 10
: X! f. ^- x' D- ?* b( Umonths and 8 years. The majority of the accidents involve strong magnets used in magnetic building sets and; E3 D0 B2 C+ U$ x3 w
in several cases surgery was required to remove the magnets from children’s intestines. Medical signs
5 K% q( c! p& T' l  v( vassociated with intestinal perforation or blockage can easily be misinterpreted since many children exhibit only
' O2 a- j. z0 D6 t; Jflu-like symptoms.% C6 [2 A! b; a* ?# _) l: n0 ~
For the purpose of this standard, magnets or magnetic components that could be ingested are identified by1 Y; y" z% D* M& Y0 |8 j
using the small parts cylinder. The small parts cylinder was originally designed for identification of small parts  F9 i* x, S* u
in toys intended for children under 3 years, which are capable of causing suffocation or asphyxiation. It was
4 x( e# g2 q2 B1 [, [# ~% m1 ?: J" qnot designed for identifying objects that can be ingested by older children. The decision to use the small parts
6 s: c4 y6 e4 `5 M& w5 fcylinder also for assessment of magnets or magnetic components that can be ingested was made for practical
) ~2 t# C" }, u$ M& g  zand precautionary reasons: The cylinder is a well known test template and it provides a safety margin since
6 n& \1 G0 b  C3 T! `the magnets and magnetic components that have caused accidents all fit entirely in the cylinder with a large
7 P  c/ \4 h2 a' ]& O( \margin. The same principle has been applied in the requirements for expanding material.+ [! b, p5 o0 M
The risk of magnets attracting each other across intestinal walls is reduced with decreasing magnet strength.
9 E1 W) d4 m9 _( s* p, J# WA limit value in the form of a magnetic flux index has therefore been introduced to define what a sufficiently
/ U- t/ E0 m8 S' G! qweak magnet is. Accident data indicate that only powerful magnets have been involved in all known ingestion& N+ }9 E/ K: ^7 a7 e. h
incidents to date. The data also suggest that magnet ingestion was not a problem in toys until powerful$ \  j7 N( w- _; y8 \
EN 71-1:2005/prA8:2008 (E)
% `4 P* W( W( W+ U( h8
) ?$ i& I& n0 f1 {; W* f, Y5 Imagnets (such as neodymium iron boron magnets) became cost effective and commonplace several years
! B' a7 p4 A9 ~ago. Ceramic, rubberized, and ferrite magnets have substantially lower attractive forces. A limit value for the/ a; z5 P6 r  k+ m6 z0 o
magnetic flux index of 50 kG2mm2 (0,5 T2mm2) is considered appropriate to ensure, with a safety margin, that  y4 e' d3 ]& b) D- j4 s
powerful magnets of the type that have been involved in incidents will not be permitted for use in toys if they fit
! p: J6 Q  l6 ^0 [+ @entirely in the small parts cylinder. The one known fatality occurred with a magnet from a magnetic building
* {& @3 S& K! M5 O' E" P+ Xset with a flux index of 343 kG2mm2 (3,4 T2mm2). By introducing the flux index limit the risk of injuries with6 ~! A$ V3 D% A: `, {4 C
magnets has been minimised. New data in the future will be used to assess if the chosen requirements are' h, }2 m! E; d7 \
still appropriate.3 s! H, `  S3 |" q' b. O4 q) t! Z  I
More than 80 % of the known accidents have occurred with magnetic building sets. Magnetic building sets are
+ R5 Q3 H: h& ?) K+ W+ Csubject to the requirements in this standard.
; W: K* K9 p& [$ lOther considerations were taken into account in evaluating the risks associated with ingestion of magnets.  f; L2 h! K$ g+ l
Perforation of intestinal walls can occur if the blood supply to a part of an intestinal wall is cut off, for example3 I% O; d3 L9 t9 O' Q/ J
by the pressure exerted by two magnets that are attracted to each other across the walls. According to a4 Q, e' }! t4 v+ n7 Y* Q. H
theoretical medical study, a pressure of 0,0016 N/mm2 (12 mmHg) could, in a worst-case situation, cause
% r0 M  Y$ z/ G# ysuch a cut off of the blood supply. Virtually all magnets on the market are capable of producing this level of
9 L& Y! M" c. x9 [0 }pressure.
8 H" |$ a4 u. l* p/ jThe probability that two weak magnets (flux index below 50) will be transported through the intestinal system
$ L: D; U4 L- H! Nand end up on opposite sides of the intestinal walls at a position where the intestinal wall is extremely thin is* A# H! Q- R- A  |1 s; `! {8 A
considered to be very low. It would require not only that the two magnets are ingested on different occasions
2 o& e  \( ^0 O. Kbut also that the intestinal contents do not prevent the magnets from travelling along the walls and eventually2 K0 ]9 K3 l. A4 ~% \7 H% X
finding each other on opposite sides of two walls by accident. For strong magnets the situation is different,
, a2 F# ^+ D+ z/ o- h- M. n  m, \since they attract each other over a longer distance with a force than can overcome obstructions presented by: U9 U! q7 F4 {' K
e.g. intestinal contents.6 p# n6 u3 Z/ P- v4 O
Furthermore, for a correct calculation of the magnetic pressure, both the flux density and the contact area
  `; Z2 H/ b# C: S# i) x* O3 g! Qneed to be measured. The formula to calculate magnetic pressure is:2 {' q$ ^0 s% v( T! A2 B; l# K
9 h% O* B! O7 E/ dP Ap ⋅ ⋅; T  M: O' p9 w6 H3 `5 B. w% X
=! I. K7 ]" ~; O
α B2- X& a5 d0 D; m! W
where) Z; M' @& A. q
P is the pressure
( `1 b6 J% j4 c* H/ Rα is a constant# N  x/ ?, [% ^) n- N
B is the Flux density (in Gauss or Tesla), and
) F" B& T1 ]+ R" _( G+ G% K2 _+ Q- iAp is the pole area of the magnet1 B: A/ b. o0 D6 V* Q
Ac is the contact area between the magnet and whatever surface the magnet exerts the pressure on+ ~( ^' Y& C1 \% f
The contact area between a magnet or a magnetic component and the object to which it is attracted, is often5 Q! T  h1 E" L8 c7 R
very difficult to measure accurately due to unevenly shaped magnets or magnetic components.2 H, `2 V: ]- E$ R
The flux index, however, can be calculated using the pole area of the magnet and the flux density at the
6 m8 Q2 ]2 P1 l( \' ?6 U. ^surface of the magnet or magnetic component. The flux index is therefore presently considered to be the best1 u4 a0 r1 v3 u( D( P4 N/ ]8 H1 O
available measure for classification of hazardous magnets.9 s' A+ f2 Y' P7 z) _
Two or more magnets can attract each other and form a compound magnet with a higher flux index than each
8 `$ z9 v; `) z/ F1 ]. m, _1 nsingle magnet. The flux index will not double if two equally strong magnets are attracted to each other and the/ e3 E9 h8 |' f! ?( d  t
increase in flux index will be relatively smaller for every new magnet that is added and will depend on
$ c9 J! A1 T5 S" V/ A$ n7 umagnetic material, shape, cross-section etc. Ingestion of multiple magnets has only been observed with+ s. k- V4 C8 s: f
stronger magnets and there is no accident data regarding weak magnets close to the flux index limit forming a# O& c$ v) k' O9 @8 K, H% J6 F, e( `
(stronger) compound magnet. Therefore no additional test method for compound magnets is introduced.. v# f  v; Z! M/ s' Z9 t( B/ [6 d) r
Toys that contain magnets and which can be expected to become wet during normal and foreseeable use are
* e; _/ T2 \% o. W; Gsubjected to a soaking test to ensure that glued magnets do not detach when the toy is wet. Also wooden toys
4 _% i8 \6 N& o  A5 p" B1 tEN 71-1:2005/prA8:2008 (E)2 ~, C7 p3 a- _. g- d- h1 s
are subjected to the test since the properties of wood (such as size of holes) can change even with changes in
9 ]' D  b- ^/ M: \6 k/ ^& ^air humidity.
& a1 V- ?9 v* w' V: DIn some cases magnets are recessed and can therefore not be subjected to the normal tension and torque
. m* w$ P. A5 J: Ttest. Examples of toys have been found where a magnet has become detached by another magnet. A tension
0 o% f  o) T6 J0 Wtest for magnets has therefore been introduced to minimize the risk that such magnets become detached4 q, a/ ]  j& H
during normal and foreseeable play.8 o8 [, k# s$ D, ?2 o, b5 G$ e- h
Functional magnets in electrical or electronic components of toys are not considered to present the same risk
; v  M9 b; S7 D7 E' p7 h) F' Ias magnets that form part of the play pattern. The use of magnets in these components may not be6 X1 W, K2 M  x) Q
recognized, as they will be present inside electrical motors or in relays in electronic printing boards. None of" S- O. K7 Y2 c1 ~9 H* _, x
the reported accidents has been linked to magnets released from electrical or electronic components
/ K  ^+ u' t2 b, ~! vMagnetic/electrical experimental sets that are not intended for children under 8 years are excluded from the
: ]+ A1 W& O* w6 wrequirements provided that they carry a warning. The exception applies only to the more advanced$ u9 x% L3 {. m( Y4 C, K5 W! |
experimental sets that include building of electrical motors, loudspeakers, doorbells etc., i.e. products that9 I+ M% _6 @& w$ I& t2 H& w( F
need both magnetism and electricity for their function.
发表于 2009-4-30 09:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-4-30 10:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-4 15:34 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-4 16:44 | 显示全部楼层
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