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[玩具召回] Recall Expansion of Cribs Sold by Babies'R'Us

发表于 2009-5-3 11:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
NEWS from CPSC2 C+ y+ S6 w+ H9 g
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
& }* C! ~. l& C: h, J: QOffice of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207
3 C  y& x# g- a, H) p9 e( x--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, M: P$ P. f- J6 O7 P) I& {0 y; b6 s
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE% {  P) C! |& H$ o* I3 h1 y4 X
April 30, 20090 E  P. N, a1 I; u* J; u7 o$ M
Release #09-207 Firm's Recall Hotline: (800) 646-4106/ ~$ S+ f9 L; r! d$ B
CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772
$ r2 a' ]% q$ r& R8 y, ~( hCPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908( k  S& P5 O7 u8 k- i* J
2 y5 ?8 P9 k5 t) C

# ]* _( B7 a7 C' B1 ]6 H) h1 y2 DJardine Announces Second Recall Expansion of Cribs Sold by Babies'R'Us; Cribs Pose Entrapment and Strangulation Hazards% n) A. u6 a2 P/ L
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.
, }6 W* \; D6 f' F& J4 |( SName of Product: Jardine Cribs- {, r8 u$ U0 W) h3 y: I* d+ M& D
Units: About 96,000 (320,000 units were previously recalled in June 2008 and 56,450 units were recalled in January 2009)* y. T# ~( h; W- m( [
Manufacturer: Jardine Enterprises, of Taipei, Taiwan, ]- b% J: a$ \4 O8 O3 a/ _( j
Hazard: The wooden crib slats can break, creating a gap, which can pose an entrapment and strangulation hazard to infants and toddlers.0 G1 B& z. z8 X9 T9 H+ g
Incidents/Injuries: CPSC has received 31 incident reports of slats breaking, including two reports of children becoming entrapped in the gap created by the broken slat on the crib models identified below. In 10 of these incidents, consumers reported that their child broke the slat while in the crib. There was one report of minor injuries (bumps and abrasions.)
4 f6 |8 j- q. t7 y- W/ dDescription: This recall involves 7 models of Jardine wooden cribs with the date codes identified below. Cribs with other date codes are not affected by this recall. The date code and model number are printed on the label located on the inside of the bottom rail of the headboard or footboard.
7 ]* \" |7 s0 Y% }Additional Recalled Jardine Cribs* i& _; t1 D8 o' V, v1 p4 V+ F7 d
Model # Description Date Code Between + J1 L* s- U$ H8 f9 n- a% b, O
0102B00 Drop-side Natural Olympia Single 9/2005-1/2007
  j+ d3 A% j+ Z& }0102E00 Drop-side Dark Pine Olympia Single 9/2005-1/2008 / {2 S. K/ P4 @1 D& A! S
0302P00 Black Olympia Lifetime 11/2005-5/2008
. J8 {; @+ p( }5 Z0302C00 White Olympia Lifetime 6/2006-12/2006 9 k' k, D) i$ a# w; [/ e
0312D00 Americana Pecan 4-in-1 5/2006-11/2007
  Q7 C6 D' s3 T3 _0308L00 Antique Walnut Capri 4-in-1 12/2005-11/2007 4 `3 R/ O/ Z& i1 x& g
0108C00 Drop-side White Capri Single 8/2006-11/2007
' A: w6 J- R* o* zSold at: KidsWorld, Geoffrey Stores, Toys 揜?Us, and Babies 揜?Us stores nationwide, and at babiesrus.com, from September 2005 through April 2009 for between $220 and $330.
2 n7 T% |( ~& I+ f' ~) hManufactured in: China and Vietnam9 U9 e& N& Z5 x# N$ N* m
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled cribs and contact Jardine to receive a full credit toward the purchase of a new crib. Jardine will provide consumers with detailed instructions for purchasing cribs in retail stores and online.
5 h' h3 g' q: q* p0 \Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Jardine at (800) 646-4106 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, or visit the firm's Web site at http://www.jardinecribrecall.com/; h: L) X* U+ j, |
5 ^/ u! `2 ^  I0 r. j) C( W
Drop Side Natural Olympia Single Model# 0102B00) [' \" F6 r, ?5 p$ P' i8 r
* ~3 D& S0 ^5 B
# q% k: p' Y1 e" ~- U7 w2 K. L0 g7 k5 Q
Drop Side Dark Pine Olympia Single Model# 0102E00
/ [  m& N2 T' {8 C  Q
2 [! L% p% `/ I2 A$ p3 w
/ G) }, [3 a6 E- m& g& c( o: L7 e; ?# F2 r$ W5 }
Drop Side White Capri Single Model# 0108C00$ x# U  K4 q/ Z! b

& q& [7 R; m  F, |( N4 q. [2 j+ z: w
5 m) v! L& n! b$ `( j* ]0 C9 g& ?0 _- |  P* b+ }
White Olympia Lifetime Model# 0302C00; t! ^/ B/ c5 b% X" P! E) L' g/ m. l
4 n0 V) d* p3 w7 j8 M
6 K5 Z$ \$ ^4 k4 G& Z
Antique Walnut Capri 4-in-1 Model# 0308L003 p1 ~7 h$ ^# z" L1 i2 R& Y

) v6 w! m0 E: t/ H2 u0 w
4 X' S! e( [% ?5 R9 P/ h$ X# Z6 v8 }5 X3 |
Americana Pecan 4-in-1 Model# 0312D00   1 l* W3 U3 H1 A/ f. D! Z5 k- q" n
Black Olympia Lifetime Model# 0302P00
8 i, W; M# }9 z# `4 \4 u
/ X% z, _# N+ k+ S6 B% \: @( a5 u

+ R$ k, K5 C, j2 l
  u6 l8 B4 ^# a- c/ p  b, wDrop Side Natural Olympia Single Model# 0102B00/ V1 L0 V4 |: A/ e2 @' }9 i
& ?) x( c/ I8 t
/ c4 Z- t" o) o  f7 f$ |! J* Y1 \0 ]

8 ?- a  g, F; O, `# T7 Z. G+ W+ P5 `1 G0 \4 f0 U
Drop Side Dark Pine Olympia Single Model# 0102E00
7 [# D8 M6 Y  l' p  q
% l' v% z( x7 g% F& z* I& ]7 w- c& Q) j
  ]) y' o2 S8 v) F! F! j; h+ U, a$ L

, b$ k' y9 }& W4 H; l5 t6 iDrop Side White Capri Single Model# 0108C00- X- [7 i% ?7 Q, I
6 O" b' L9 q3 ]5 H+ ?
0 a8 r6 R, ]" w6 V/ d# q4 x5 [4 W- j
( {8 V0 z4 I: U- y' h4 e: Q
+ }- f7 c- D& n/ Y9 X; }+ P
' [. N0 L2 `. P
White Olympia Lifetime Model# 0302C00
$ P  R' F) h/ f/ e* X9 i& E  q1 N/ C( E. K5 V
0 z2 b% _8 ^5 w6 a0 c
' x0 ^$ a3 C$ \7 `; X$ h4 d
& k6 u/ Q' n7 @- K& [  o: X

6 h. s( ]+ D5 N/ BAntique Walnut Capri 4-in-1 Model# 0308L00
# g$ x# E, }9 l4 r# P' w
% v. N# q5 S. E$ o. E6 W, Y
' Z8 n: N! g/ o! ?9 c6 d! r% o

; U; ?$ l6 o# Y
# M+ n1 ^7 x2 n& u* g! _, }Americana Pecan 4-in-1 Model# 0312D00
  ! r# M0 y# O4 |' D& c

  l( _7 o; H+ C4 i! zBlack Olympia Lifetime Model# 0302P00
发表于 2009-5-5 11:06 | 显示全部楼层
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