今天KEMA的工程师来工厂培训,说欧盟上星期决定了把新标准A12/EN 60335-2-9由2010年10月1日提前到今年的11月6日。届时所有这类的产品证书都得取消,除非产品能符合该标准要求。TUV更狠,到8月份工厂还不更新产品证书的话就直接取消所有证书了。9 D1 E7 u, p, {9 y; ]% a
' y1 q: F. b4 W% y! j# s大家都收到风了么?有什么应对措施吗?据我们工厂的工程师说现有的产品的结构是过不了这个标准的。金属表面温度居然限制在80K内!!!- p& D' n! t. m6 T7 l
8 }7 j/ {* H/ R. e) p+ h7 i( h
下面是TUV提供的资料,丫说的很清楚,3个月内所有此类证书都得更新,否则直接取消!几W的认证费打水漂了!!!5 ^( L& H4 r; M* ?6 D
% v( k) D. j* m- ], Y4 r
, x* r8 G( _& nB-category - Indirect hazard% H7 M# l+ |' T/ n9 i2 C1 Z2 B$ q
An indirect hazard is eliminated by the decision.
) \# d! E3 T" Q0 \, ^Existing certifications do not fulfil the contents of the decision in its entirety.
# G' \" D' N! [, d/ aImplementation starting from adoption of resolution; also running test and certification2 ^- a6 V" S. ?
procedures must consider this resolution. Existing certificates have to be cancelled within 3
$ A; x4 {0 l* E! ~) \& a3 f8 ~* f. Tmonths (with a period of notice of 3 months maximum). |