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[玩具召回] Bugaboo Recalls Strollers Due to Risk of Brake Failure

发表于 2009-6-3 11:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Name of Product: Bugaboo Bee Strollers & U) a) a$ P0 K2 L3 }; ?- G- n8 u
0 o9 m% {% n/ }* x" z2 H2 @
Units: About 22,500
; q' q9 |0 A0 I3 z7 ?+ @! P
+ Z0 |' a' X1 c& L5 B6 w, wDistributor: Bugaboo North America Inc., of Hermosa Beach, Calif.
6 e5 F9 k" J( s
! B3 N6 x. t7 R% W/ ~8 ?) {4 yManufacturer: Bugaboo Design & Sales, B.V., of the Netherlands
0 F# m0 O% H8 C# ~( z5 ~, _: `1 \6 F) A+ ], Y  ~
Hazard: One or both sides of the brakes can fail, causing a stroller to unexpectedly roll away on an incline. This can pose a risk of injury to the child occupant. 9 I& K) M5 y, ]

- ~0 j) ^! }  J+ `' bIncidents/Injuries: Bugaboo has received 121 reports of the stroller抯 brakes failing. No injuries have been reported. ; y6 m' m) k6 F0 ?/ \

- v3 f. a  V5 b& h, D5 y- l' {2 ADescription: Bugaboo Bee strollers have item code 580210 on a label on the back of the seat and item code 50100 on a label on the plastic support under the seat. The strollers were sold in blue, dark khaki, pink, red, yellow, and black. 揵ugaboo® bee?is printed on the left side of the seat.
9 }" t4 U; p. T
& t) w5 J. J' B& Q, i0 U9 |4 rSold at: Juvenile product retailers nationwide and on various Web sites from August 2007 through April 2009 for about $530. ' k5 x& x' @9 N

6 X( `' z3 n( W. i1 i6 t4 tManufactured in: Taiwan
+ P3 W) x; f, G' ~  G  w. `2 \/ y# g$ }' c! L, I! D
发表于 2009-6-3 11:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-6-3 20:09 | 显示全部楼层
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