首先判断电池盒的打开是否需要工具(螺丝刀等),如需要则弹簧视为不可接触,无需任何测试。, S0 L+ T3 l+ {9 w* Y% F
若不需要工具就能打开电池盒,则弹簧应符合以下要求:9 w$ B" H2 A! u2 n" M7 J- E
Compression helical springs shall not be accessible if the gap between two consecutive turns is greater than 3 mm at rest, and the spring can be subjected to a force of 40 N or more when the toy is in use.
4 l# @) L) b0 T! }5 M4 h0 v; g4 S+ G+ O8 X+ v
对于尖端的判断,个人认为,可参考标准中的利边判断,具体如下:( o P- m5 |/ `# i7 o5 s
It has been established that it is not possible to manufacture electrical conductors (for example in battery boxes) which do not present sharp edges. This hazard has, however, been considered to be of a minor nature and allowance has therefore been given for such edges.
# s$ u2 v0 X6 |4 s9 _对于用于电功能的尖端及利边,虽应尽可能避免,但也是允许范围内的。如合理的可以接受。- k7 a' h) M5 j, W; W; z
(电路板的利边、尖角可多着呢,呵呵) |