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[行业新闻] ASTM 官方網站上出了ASTM F963-07/08 的中文版標准

发表于 2009-7-29 14:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ASTM 官方網站上出了ASTM F963-07/08 的中文版標准,那個有呀,這可是第一次開始發行中文版標准。以下是LINK  http://www.astm.org/BOOKSTORE/COMPS/227.htm
6 Q' q' T2 L" H8 i
! K5 k, d% B6 b7 G; _. n1 [官方的中文版標准是不是比我們自己翻譯和所看到的會不會有不同的解釋呀??/ f7 I, l* B& t
) P0 ~  O: w) l9 i7 t1 k
Coming in May 2009! New!, I; @7 L6 S% F) i. k. F3 y
Ensure your product's safety and marketability!& v* p+ d: k3 _# Y7 H
1 ?/ L1 L/ R. ?3 L. k

* Q- P9 T  H8 e
& O! `, `* `9 j, N/ K) P2 CASTM Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety — With Official Chinese Translation: 2nd Edition
0 A1 B6 v. k0 H& x3 ?
+ `9 ]! ?0 [  @- e
; ~' x0 x  V8 a% M5 y' I
! s4 j9 i4 I% P5 D8 g5 t' }Pages: 304- g2 l; {' T7 W' X' X* l% K5 ~

* k0 f1 d$ U0 r( _Published: 2009+ e1 t' ]  {0 ^( A" j+ t
- h3 j6 x7 z% W7 ]8 k0 W
Soft Cover
, X' V- k; m' a# x; \- N; i* l  s5 C/ ~3 @5 |# P
( Y+ a" v! d; {7 D8 m& a2 t. n) y
Price: $98  
- D) `1 ?6 ~1 g4 c 9 {( E) W# a/ `4 q4 B3 ]5 B
% ?& d! l, [9 r; ?, W0 B
The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 made consumer products safer by requiring that toys and infant products are tested before they are sold, and by banning toxic chemicals like lead and phthalates in toys. The bill also gives the CPSC the resources and authority it needs to protect the public, increase civil penalties that CPSC can assess against violators of product safety laws, and protect whistleblowers who report product safety defects." c6 x" d9 K: ]- s% R1 R
9 p3 a5 O2 F, o( Q) o
For the first time in one convenient resource, get these vital documents to protect children from safety hazards in toys. This volume provides:5 D6 h! ?1 E. L9 h" ?# N
6 R) o2 a- s: v# K5 m
• F963-07E1 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety (English and Chinese translation) ) c. j& h/ j# x9 W9 u1 ~

: o/ r. w8 F% X+ D2 n• F963-08 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety (English and Chinese translation) 5 |: j4 I, x' ^9 q7 n6 w" N+ o: i
4 d% X6 Z# x  b: L, i% R$ q
• H.R. 4040 — Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (English)
! v: g- p' V* k3 D7 ^' X$ n4 D
0 V4 h; n$ E6 a. M5 R+ |9 }• Section 106 of H.R. 4040 Mandatory Toy Safety Standards (Chinese translation)
+ W7 r: [: w+ V1 s$ a% S0 R- R1 r1 L: x. F5 x5 Q4 H, u5 J5 b) e
ASTM Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety — With Official Chinese Translation: 2nd Edition
3 s- o' x8 x4 ?5 [. F9 ?ISBN: ) a8 R9 }  e( G, y% m
ISBN13: 0-978-8031-6225-1


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发表于 2009-9-17 20:58 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-18 22:42 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-19 09:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-19 09:47 | 显示全部楼层
引用第1楼ediqi于2009-09-17 20:58发表的  :
& X' H" ?; ^* c0 Z  x3 d这个也有人翻译了。
0 v. ]+ X$ `0 m* O( m5 X

$ ?& Q2 g4 f$ |9 `7 R- w- }有人翻译的话能不能共享一下阿
发表于 2009-9-21 23:37 | 显示全部楼层
这个倒是值得注意的。 现在国内的测试机构都有中文版en71和astm f963卖的, 就不知道这个和国内自行翻译的有何不同
发表于 2009-9-21 23:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-9-27 14:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-27 14:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-29 23:22 | 显示全部楼层
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