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[玩具标准] ASTM F963警告語問題?

发表于 2009-8-10 10:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2009-8-10 11:26 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-10 12:11 | 显示全部楼层
好象不對,我前面看了下16 cfr 1500 121(c)1 裡說主要展示面指的是整個表面# p  D; l& f: N% R( h  `! N# I% @
(c) Conspicuousness--type size and style. To satisfy the requirement % n9 c8 W! W" z. |
that cautionary labeling statements under the Act be conspicuous and 1 U6 h1 s2 z7 c- V3 O% t3 R: ~- C8 S
legible, such statements shall conform to the following requirements:6 X- q6 v  n8 F
    (1) Area of principal display panel. The area of the principal ; m5 u) F* _# E
display panel is the area of the side or surface of the immediate
! l$ z2 I+ Z1 `2 T4 wcontainer, or of the side or surface of any outer container or wrapping, 0 E6 g% j9 Y& I
that bears the labeling designed to be most prominently displayed,
( ~4 D# t  @7 @3 {! I7 P; Qshown, presented, or examined under conditions of retail sale. This area
# |3 U1 D  K. \' r& l5 [6 S" t5 Dis not limited to the portion of the surface covered with labeling;
4 v2 t4 }6 N7 z7 mrather, it includes the entire surface. Flanges at the tops and bottoms ' Z1 f/ Z* t% H' ]
of cans, conical shoulders of cans, handles, and shoulders and necks of + ]; W1 s# v0 x5 Q) \4 W- A, j
bottles and jars are excluded in measuring the area. For the purposes of ) x" Z  e4 ^: c6 k
determining the proper type size for cautionary labeling, the area of
+ B+ P( h0 f" Hthe principal display panel (or other panel bearing cautionary labeling,
$ N. M0 }7 z( ?9 ^under paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section) is to be computed as
8 `$ W$ a# {/ W, X5 N# S$ Yfollows:
7 O: }$ o+ p; h& p    (i) In the case of a rectangular package, where one entire side is 6 H* Z8 }& d6 K8 D
the principal display panel, the product of the height times the width
1 p9 J, l- [. f1 O* yof that side shall be the area of the principal display panel.  `8 Y0 V" O* d- [
    (ii) In the case of a cylindrical or nearly cylindrical container or
8 f8 O; n" \1 W: f+ s0 F; U) ztube on which the principal display panel appears on the side, the area ( v& e1 t6 s! S& b! H
of the principal display panel shall be 40 percent of the product of the
+ U5 k6 m  F- U6 a& ?8 z  \height of the container times its circumference.
+ J4 H# b' y; n5 L    (iii) In the case of any other shape of container, the area of the ! K4 |1 Z- v2 }
principal display panel shall be 40 percent of the total surface of the
. [% z$ y6 Q$ P. p1 u- lcontainer, excluding those areas, such as flanges at tops and bottoms,
$ t9 ^% }2 n, A1 [7 B) ispecified in paragraph (c)(1) above. However, if such a container 1 x" J, N7 g' I6 v
presents an obvious principal display panel (such as an oval or hour-( Z4 p4 ~) i4 w9 E& m% q! e4 F* H7 C
glass shaped area on the side of a container for dishwashing detergent),
4 j/ L& X4 x6 \0 \" g" G* D0 pthe area to be measured shall be the entire area of the obvious + q: X0 [5 e% @: t) @& q! A6 V
principal display panel.
发表于 2009-8-10 12:46 | 显示全部楼层
主要展示面! E/ l/ E9 g, x- Y4 p
principal display panel
! W# \7 o3 e% [3 S1 @5 B$ e) y玩具展示给顾客的那个表面的面积。
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-10 13:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-8-12 22:57 | 显示全部楼层
不是那个框框面积,而是你一般摆放在销售橱窗上时,顾客一眼就看到那个平面的面积。虽然有点主观,但从包装的设计不难看出该怎样摆,有时不止一个主要展示面的。( F6 a0 v3 G& r  M, i6 X: g) y
发表于 2009-8-14 09:25 | 显示全部楼层
不好意思銷美玩具除了要符合ASTM f963 外也要符合CFR1500的標示嗎?
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-15 10:58 | 显示全部楼层
是的,astm f963裡第5章不是講的很清楚嗎?
发表于 2009-9-17 21:16 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-18 13:10 | 显示全部楼层
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