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[玩具召回] 8 Piece Link Toy by Dollarama -Recall

发表于 2009-8-17 08:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Date' ^' ~$ X$ C7 q, o, V9 J3 ?) o, d
August 2009 / h* p! Y, i. o

" R5 W( r& y/ H) {Product Name
. C, Y" q) c0 a6 G2 i& f8 f8 Piece Link Toy by Dollarama
6 H, o! P* b+ K3 p, T: W* F5 j% o! W4 W, `, D
Full Product Description
5 h* O' g& L# M  ^, }( r* JThis recall involves a rattle sold under the name "Link Toy". The product has 8 coloured plastic rings that link together. The rings are magenta, green, blue, and yellow. The recalled toy can be identified by item number 19-1900307.
- p. [5 I* I3 S5 k: |& c% Z+ t$ D0 |; S
Hazard Identified1 I' L, D8 l, d: O: \% W/ I8 F% O9 i
Testing by Health Canada has revealed that the Link Toy rattle can pose a choking hazard to young children. The individual rings are small enough that they can enter into and become lodged in a child's throat. This toy does not meet the Canadian safety requirements for the size and shape of rattles. Neither Dollarama nor Health Canada has received reports of incidents or injuries related to the use of this product.
  v9 X3 d4 a  {' h
0 @+ |  o+ T& p! ~5 N+ VFor some tips to help consumers choose safe toys and to help them keep children safe when they play with toys, see  Health Canada's Toy Safety Tips.
, l7 `8 D& c. }8 b' z/ y# B
7 M; _; [% O, _Corrective Action
- M9 C7 v: @  w, u8 }7 {Consumers should immediately take the recalled toy away from children and dispose of it in regular household garbage.3 Q" Z. H. x6 ~) t- C4 A

4 R8 `  y% V% I1 nFor more information, consumers may contact Dollarama Customer Service at 1-888-755-1006 (extension 1000). " r$ }% K% ~# l; a

5 v3 D+ Y: }7 A3 ANumber Sold
- U1 m' F  R- Q. UApproximately 59, 589 of the recalled products were sold at Dollarama stores across Canada. - T4 Z( k6 x6 F

  Q3 b- \# h3 ~$ L3 a9 R# JTime Period Sold5 Q& R5 [; k+ C6 Z% ~6 U  K
The recalled products were sold from November 2008 to July 2009." L, [) B: A( w7 e7 }

5 l& |* M6 M. T" y. {Manufactured in Thailand.
1 `! M- j2 X( u+ B3 ^5 ?# j
& d5 U5 D" A" t$ O2 p) `' q5 EImporter
0 `/ H, B" Z6 @/ L& |5 eDollarama L.P./S.E.C. of Montreal, Quebec


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