as below for EN request
) ~4 E( R6 ~2 G3 k* h7 I5 q W9 K
$ ^+ Z4 S6 T+ W% B5.4 Cords on toys (see A.29)& j8 [ F4 L' P# C; H w/ s Z- ^( ]9 v
Cords shall conform to the following requirements:
/ C7 O6 S% i- E; Na) Cords shall have a thickness (smallest dimension) of 1,5 mm or more when tested according to 8.20
4 Q# ^2 x( U: i! L0 J(cord thickness). This does not apply to ribbons.
9 `, n+ S- \$ G! f4 g; _9 XBS EN 71-1:2005+A8:2009
, f# Q7 U; A6 A, j9 Q1 J2 ?2 ^Licensed copy: Vocational Trading Council, Vocational Training Council, Version correct as of 14/05/2009 08:01, (c)
6 x- @5 o' B7 y( J( E5 v: P: A9 C% R+ Fb) The free length of cords (e.g. on pull-along toys) which include attachments that can form nooses shall
) o5 j; y/ n- p5 Ceither:
$ k3 \3 O# g" \/ X not exceed 220 mm when stretched by a force of (25 ± 2) N; or
. a1 c! J' r- { when subjected to a force of (25 ± 2) N, separate into parts not exceeding 220 mm when stretched
" i/ [* k/ R1 w ~3 N8 A6 hby a force of (25 ± 2) N. It shall be possible to join the parts together after they have been separated
, g8 N& |2 u' v8 Z. P# ?without altering the characteristics of the joints (see Figure 10).
- r4 t3 E m4 |3 t6 Z+ Z( w# X4 ^The free length of the cord shall be measured from the fixing point to the end of the cord or to the fixing3 q" v7 ?' _2 a* k0 Z: Y) e t
point on the other part of the toy. If the fixing point has the same shape or form as the cord, this part shall; f" n$ W- j& b% E
be measured as a part of the entire cord (see Figure 11).
2 H3 L: l7 X; i4 F% P- Xc) The perimeter of any nooses on cords shall not exceed 380 mm when stretched by a force of (25 ± 2) N.
$ u- g+ c* E" m2 \3 sd) Toys with self-retracting cords shall have a mechanism recoil force less than 10 N.% f/ u! m0 i+ _
e) Cords intended to be fixed across cradles, cots, perambulators etc., shall not exceed 750 mm when* ?( I1 C. {6 n- a0 s1 A
stretched by a force of (25 ± 2) N, and their length under these conditions shall be not more than 40 %longer than their relaxed length. |