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楼主: lsj7250

[IEC标准产品] 待机功耗问题

发表于 2009-11-23 09:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-11-23 09:25 | 显示全部楼层
引用第24楼hli168于2009-11-23 09:13发表的  :6 o( C, l% K& @

: m  P3 F/ B' c' \9 l7 ]可以按最大的来计算
发表于 2009-11-23 09:46 | 显示全部楼层
引用第23楼andychen于2009-11-23 09:07发表的  :# a, [6 I8 z- Y4 ]  Y. B
5 C- m" ^- l5 r7 x0 I% z
不太清楚你说的是什么产品. 但好像不属于该法令之内:" r+ _- M, G4 l' g4 L
5 u7 R. H" F0 i: j
ANNEX I9 X) s" C5 R3 Q( H
List of energy-using products covered by this Regulation! W3 I" Q8 V9 w2 f6 s

7 L! I! y. O. I% @& i; [+ `  @  }1. Household appliances
. b( a" u0 S0 }6 t! EWashing machines
. u( V% @# w; O6 O4 Y6 WClothes dryers
& J. X0 ]1 @/ r8 y7 N$ f0 t$ XDish washing machines" \' A0 I% U2 Q* A) g9 M* g. v# Z
4 b/ t, i0 ~  y! z7 q4 F2 A+ wElectric ovens
% x* D' K+ R& R  \Electric hot plates
  ~- c( j) P9 @5 C, LMicrowave ovens
& g  b/ i, {7 x# @/ dToasters
* O  n, ~! B/ q; M9 AFryers8 a' l* d% k. X1 b0 l
Grinders, coffee machines and equipment for opening or sealing containers or packages
# Z5 ], H' F4 N. l7 e6 p! P) t0 @; O! VElectric knives
0 e+ {) t/ k5 y0 tOther appliances for cooking and other processing of food, cleaning, and maintenance of clothes4 I( p+ Y8 K; ^
Appliances for hair cutting, hair drying, tooth brushing, shaving, massage and other body care appliances# t$ n  K1 ~( l  O9 B
7 }# u8 o1 ?( G& p# ?: L# S9 n
3 e* T$ i$ p7 k5 r3 W3 K2. Information technology equipment intended primarily for use in the domestic environment4 w7 f( ?9 G, ^2 ]; O( s
, n& m! l: H1 v' @+ g5 c
3. Consumer equipment
/ J& t, _; X, oRadio sets5 ~. W% E2 L! ]( F, P5 O9 w
Television sets
' T5 a# F4 {) j, Y6 ~, F, k+ UVideocameras4 E, t9 ^4 o& |; g- g( g
Video recorders
! U( y  Z- m" e3 L5 m0 mHi-fi recorders
  u5 Y8 d+ \. D3 eAudio amplifiers5 c% I( M7 f+ E9 k+ y+ R, H+ Z
Home theatre systems
+ p9 q; Q3 S1 |% `Musical instruments5 {- g  V& }' F; Y
And other equipment for the purpose of recording or reproducing sound or images, including signals or other
( c* D- c: B3 c! k- W6 n( f! o9 f8 ^technologies for the distribution of sound and image other than by telecommunications
! a2 g3 v$ K" }' c, D8 F  H$ @+ }
4. Toys, leisure and sports equipment( Z7 W* B$ I) G" o6 K1 i
Electric trains or car racing sets$ S4 P% g; M! [0 U& t
Hand-held video game consoles$ f. L6 H( ]3 g) p- J' U
Sports equipment with electric or electronic components
( h, [% n' ^9 TOther toys, leisure and sport equipment
发表于 2009-11-23 11:56 | 显示全部楼层
[quote]引用第27楼wxy810626于2009-11-23 09:46发表的  :
$ k: B; r; Q# v4 }, T5 K! m7 b' H
不太清楚你说的是什么产品. 但好像不属于该法令之内:
9 t( V0 ~2 ]( |' T+ u; N///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////0 h/ k' c! v! Y" I9 ^# }; w* S. g
4 z6 ^$ h* R1 n* }# y% v. N9 R应该还是属于这个法令内的吧?
发表于 2009-11-23 14:56 | 显示全部楼层
引用第28楼andychen于2009-11-23 11:56发表的  :4 @6 S! p& x0 r* c( R) H" j
[quote]引用第27楼wxy810626于2009-11-23 09:46发表的  :
+ |$ ^' j9 s% y! ]) }4 X3 A
/ J. ~. X! o$ p不太清楚你说的是什么产品. 但好像不属于该法令之内:- d0 {$ S" d- s8 j9 \* E& c3 @4 l5 N
& {6 k# |; t# R/ xRadio,带LED数字时钟.
4 w, l# ]9 z+ k8 B.......
发表于 2009-11-24 09:09 | 显示全部楼层
注意有standby model模式和off模式
发表于 2009-11-24 18:08 | 显示全部楼层
引用第25楼hotdogmm于2009-11-24 09:09发表的  :+ u( j3 i4 F+ Y) r1 c. W
注意有standby model模式和off模式
请问Standby 和OFF模式有区别吗?7 u$ P2 M4 n) }2 S- L7 ^! N' X
我以为它们是一回事, 我一直以为就把插在电源上未开机就当是Standby .
发表于 2009-11-24 18:17 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-1-7 10:09 | 显示全部楼层
产品没有电源开关的,是否就属于stand by模式啊?
发表于 2017-10-17 11:11 | 显示全部楼层

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