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[产品召回] 出口产品召回案例介绍(16)——水族馆(电击)

发表于 2009-12-21 09:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
通报国:英国6 d' T* [$ v1 O! w) ^
产品:  分类:电器/ A4 D  Z$ L, a. ~. P
        名称:精英水族馆+ o+ E+ n" l) e' }' h
        品牌:Elite Aquatics% T; |+ M9 X% O& U! c
        型号:2200 Rectangular5 t4 M9 J$ f. c  c. v
5 n2 L' r3 [; v- h7 h% F        原产地:中国
% @1 h% v6 f3 N5 z# NNotifying country:United Kingdom  
5 I; R3 ?4 A' }/ v; h( V2 {Product9 o- y* ~7 \$ _6 C& u( a
Category: Electrical appliances
0 j3 }% u. H. f7 _. q- y9 RProduct: Elite aquarium 2 Q6 P; ?+ q6 h
Brand: Elite Aquatics
7 y# `; ]/ ~4 i6 E6 L5 n) jType/number of model: 2200 Rectangular
" _4 v! w- K$ m- }2 \/ zDescription: Coffee table aquarium. 5 g# `9 B! r! k' |4 y3 m% N9 ]1 |" \
Country of origin: China
: v$ F2 L( @6 J危险:电击9 H5 I, l, E- z5 {/ L4 ?& R- s# |% e& K
产品有电击的危险,因为顶盖可以用手从外壳推开,导致可以触及到内部电源线的连接,而这些连接没有充分的防护,承受拉力时可能分离,以至带电部件可以触及。% d/ @! ~3 {( E6 ?- G1 ?$ d6 b
产品不符合低压电器指令和相关欧洲标准EN 60335。
% w- C9 N+ @, O! A2 w通报国采取措施:当局下令查获产品。进口商自愿停止销售。$ o% l) ^, p, u
Danger:Electric shock
% J1 S4 V! E) }- E: v8 \. }+ L8 Y. O% o3 z& a; r, z( D2 I
The product poses a risk of electric shock because the table top can be removed from the enclosure by hand, allowing access to electrical connections of internal wiring carrying the mains voltage. These connections are deemed inadequate, as they may separate when subject to pulling, allowing access to live parts. 1 c; q. g2 j6 ~
The product does not comply with the Low Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60335. # e+ Q# H9 j0 [8 D6 I/ ~! h" s7 c2 u
Measures adopted by notifying country:
. A; Q7 _; |3 jSeizure of the products ordered by the authorities.
: a) Y9 j, z2 j8 rVoluntary stop of sales by the importer.
) _9 L( f/ P" x6 H. D% [
4 s" y4 a2 S; \3 G' }- a. { 案例摘自- Weekly overview report of RAPEX notifications -week 6– 2009


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