通报国:法国/ ^4 d. X" ~5 E4 g% X. H1 s
产品: 分类:电器
9 P2 r1 d& F& _! V' e 名称:移动电暖器1 e8 E# _. C1 |: ^7 k
品牌:未知5 Q. a3 d9 w/ p4 ]
型号:BH-2000E blanc, EAN13: 3999991175262 /3999991143193
! n% E" B4 ~. r0 t5 y描述:移动电暖器,2000W。所有资料显示在产品电源线出口旁和它的包装上条码的傍边。 t& V2 }, _) x3 v! D" D
c) ]+ D7 C' k* ^Notifying country:France
; b! T; v8 \" d8 V2 dProduct2 r7 u/ t! ^! q
Category: Electrical appliances
" \/ h/ I$ U, W5 u! HProduct: Mobile convector
/ n+ I9 {: s! w& @/ JBrand: Unknown
2 e! z5 Q: z& _- w5 i* l( ]Type/number of model: BH-2000E blanc, EAN13: 3999991175262 /3999991143193 ! l4 w" p( n B9 T0 A Y
Description: Mobile radiator, 2000 W. All the references are indicated on the product close to the power cable outlet and on its packaging (beside the barcode).
6 k9 G$ Z# |! ^2 R: l, ECountry of origin: China
+ o2 y" t8 C9 ~" i8 q危险:着火
3 t4 _, j2 [. k$ T+ Y0 s5 }- D+ F, L, A事故报告显示产品有着火危险' ?: Q8 `! N& G! {
产品不符合低压电器指令。$ Z5 X) M" W8 f: i% a
通报国采取措施:自愿撤出市场和从消费者手中召回产品。* }1 U* Y1 [- |
* x9 U$ a- j$ P( ^% _Danger:Fire
4 s! T" C9 c8 |0 }2 HThe product poses a risk of fire. Incidents reported.
& U3 O5 ~/ U# `* q, Q% qThe product does not comply with the Low Voltage Directive 0 J7 E; Z, d: x4 r" E7 `* h! P
Measures adopted by notifying country:/ F. Y. W# {9 i! l, r; j, O
Voluntary withdrawal from the market and recall from consumers / W7 s* N& C( Q3 |) k x3 z$ o
Products were found and measures were taken also in: Portugal
( e% n9 T/ ?6 C* T
$ y2 p! ?! |0 n( M; I 案例摘自- Weekly overview report of RAPEX notifications –week 6– 2009 |
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