与大家共分IPI知识 有兴趣就了解一下,还是不错的,UL每年都要搞一個培訓, 那就是跟蹤服務檢驗(Follow-Up Service Inspection)的培訓, 而且收費很貴價格達1200元/人, 看到这些人就烦。
f- r2 K ]9 N- ^- x* wUL驗廠分為日常不預約的跟蹤檢驗, 包括根據標簽量, 分期(如季)檢驗, ON CALL(有生產時預約)幾種. 還有一種是特殊型驗廠, 如跟進V/N, 首次生產檢驗(Initial prodoction Inspection, 又稱IPI). 當然, 如果你一而再地被檢驗員(又叫現場代表), 開出V/N, 而且問題又很嚴重, 那就成了另一種檢驗了, 叫加强检验计划 (Increased Inspection Program, IIP)....... 7 T4 V* T6 H5 p2 w0 u2 w+ h2 j9 F
几个概念先弄清楚: 4 G5 b4 ~4 S2 o5 l4 u8 q* H
报验服务 (On-Call Service) 4 l) F; \( Z. z; g. x0 }1 O
当您申请的UL标志是非经常性的在工厂检验中出现,或仅使用在产品的短期制造过程中时,制造商便可考虑申请报验服务 (On-Call Service) ,以减少检验的次数。 ' a6 k3 }& ^ t8 M0 B* t2 N1 Y7 \
首次生产检验 (IPI)
" F/ a+ O+ X; O0 y首次生产检验(IPI)主要是针对新制造商客户进行产品的生产检验,或是针对既有制造商生产的新领域产品进行认证,以确保所有制造商的产品制造流程皆符合跟踪检验计划的要求。
; I+ C# U! K' @6 t+ C3 ?- d加强检验计划 (Increased Inspection Program, IIP)- i- U5 B2 m# B6 p& X: w
D. g8 g4 I2 F( j
- j8 ^3 v+ G3 c W4 l# B. a0 e
3 y2 c! e+ y; }- i1 |5 ]- q附件為UL細則的第一頁, 要學會看細則, 還真得先把這一頁看懂了.
$ m. k* [6 h9 t# Z! F# W* L1. Authorizaton Page: & q U8 V' q% r2 U- O6 h
俗稱授權頁, 一個UL檔案可能只有一個申請者(Applicant), 有时还有不同的列名者(Listee), 可以有很多個生產工廠(Manufacturer, 一般会列在Addendum to Autorization Page), 每增加一個生產工廠, 就會修改一次授權頁, 這是工廠是否有取得ul授權的象徵. 在這裡你也會找到該檔案授權類型是L還是R等. 如果每個Vol授權的工廠不一樣, 那每個Vol都會有一個授權頁.
' Z3 A7 |9 ]. p# ]* l有个概念, 什么是L类检验什么是R类检验? * f/ t2 a n2 [7 f
L 及 R 类 (Type L & Type R) 的跟踪检验服务 D* m" A: S8 R6 Y* W8 m/ \
在首次生产检验 (IPI) 之后,被授权的UL工厂检验人员将会定期前往生产工厂进行随机检验,此种检验称为L及R类 (Type L & Type R) 的跟踪检验服务。 & R- J2 r1 T: s" P. Q5 j# E7 }
è L类的跟踪检验服务 – 根据制造商在产品或系统上使用的UL认证标志的数量,进行工厂的跟踪检验服务。
6 S4 S& g5 Z& F0 U/ _: W; A' Sè R类的跟踪检验服务 –每季定期对产品或系统进行工厂的跟踪检验服务。 ( L; ?% h9 N4 t3 `/ \& ?9 t2 B
6 d2 f, s( [( s& q9 _' j在這裡你還能找到該產品的產品類別及控製號 ( O; J/ h9 U" j$ c
Authorizes the appropriate type of Follow-Up Service(L or R).Contains the names and addresses of the Applicant, Listee (Recognized or Classified Company) and Manufacturer and the corporate Identifier number assigned by UL to each entity, as well as the name of the UL product cateory title. 7 _' D+ [, T# _* O
# j5 N1 Y% }: R9 k( k# p( fQuote:$ k# {# m2 A* A: t5 P8 _
File E000000 Vol 1 Issued: 20YY-MM-DD 首次申請ul檔案日期
, Y! B: W! ^& m0 j& M Revised: 20YY-MM-DD 最後一次修改日期 8 y1 H$ g( ~ f
! A) {$ x4 e2 f1 b" D0 o
: [7 s, h: v; B' z9 m( K4 {6 y(TYPE R) --認證等級 R代表Recognized, L表示Listed. 7 E: r) b% S. K1 [' \
4 o6 Z6 A. d$ ?8 h+ ^. O# ~
??????? APPLIANCES --產品類別
3 U' {! {& l2 H& v8 l" ?(XXXX,XXXX) --控製號 . g. G& {& F/ _
5 c# ~7 h: \8 X1 r+ p! _+ P
Manufacturer: name of manufacturer , Z6 V7 N6 L( _& s( `# \$ k
(0000001-001) address of manufacturer 3 E4 Z6 l. e$ `
Applicant: name of Applicant ( R9 U9 P# h5 t- H* E+ \% _
$ t( v) r0 c t: ^/ k# H: s6 h5 }) q
Listee: SAME AS APPLICANT & k4 x6 w7 O/ _. A( c
(100001-002) 1 j1 x! a4 V* n# @5 n7 \
- O% P U! Q6 ?5 }7 H
This Procedure authorizes the above manufacturer to use the marking specified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. only on products covered by this Procedure,in accordance with the applicable Follow-Up Service Agreement. # w8 z4 p' a' ]. a5 l
% z3 o' H3 { m l! BThe prescribed Mark or Marking shall be used only at the above manufacturing location on such products which comply with this Procedure and any other applicable requirements.
r, T0 X P4 Z# b5 `' D
- v3 Q2 E1 W, A4 DThe Procedure contains information for the use of the above named Manufacturer and representatives of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and is not to be used for any other purpose. It is lent to the Manufacturer with the understanding that it is not to be copied, either wholly or in part, and that it will be returned to Underwriters Laboratories Inc. upon request.
7 W8 a- ? d9 {7 M! g5 k, @3 w; L0 m& u- Q& Y' M
This PROCEDURE, and any subsequent revisions, is the property of UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC. and is not transferable. 2 i& A8 y$ w& e! Q& o. h
: V. S+ w6 m; q( F! Q
8 J9 @$ |3 Q& w. a( I1 I. g# c5 q- y( O+ \. p. j" f
+ i/ V; r+ b1 Q. B8 RName of the officer ( a k7 z" {' m4 g1 j- X* f
Chief Operating Officer ) s7 K- Q+ w: G2 M @
6 Q( |, }" k. U& h, j3 a+ ~* G U
+ U |3 t% R( I; s' n! q
* O& m: P! ] e# C7 K2. Addendum to Autorization Page * E& J; ]( P9 ]3 w. G
这是授权页的附录, 用来列出更多的授权工厂, 每一个授权工厂出货前必须要进行一次IPI(initial production inspection),你可以在这里找到每家工厂的信息/地址/授权号. ( B$ L$ X3 x* k
Lists the names, addresses and UL identifier numbers of all manufacturing locations when multiple locations exist.
- o* h% N0 B% r6 Q3 {+ Y2 e7 K+ [% j0 C" T, w: V* f* N
3. Listing Mark Data (LMD) Page, Classification Mark Data (CMD) Page or Recognized Component Marking Data (RCMD) Page. 6 @% d9 p) {: v/ A
这是列名/分级/认可等R类产品, 如何在产品上正确标示UL标志的方法介绍. 列名和分级产品还要求在UL标志下标注产品控制号. 这里你可以找到如何正确标示UL标志, 标志大小要求, 使用方法和程序. 如:
* m! [' m9 @% i6 H/ M0 n$ M NUL.JPG
3 l, P) M6 D( q6 fUsed only for products covered under Type R services as shown on the Authorization Page. Use to determine the correct Listing/Classfication/Recognized Component Mark(ing). For Listed and Classified categories the assigned control number is included, which is part of the required marking. Also includes additional information regarding minimum size, application, procurement and any other optional markings, as well as the appropriate UL Mark. : ^" {, L0 ^2 n8 D$ x
7 u0 G, g$ b8 K2 i
! d9 E; O& A6 \ ?7 A4. Multiple Listing (ML) Correlation Sheet
) W, O/ s$ l% l9 ^( ?1 o多重列名清单 # } B; W7 z e1 L Z' n
Correlates product model numbers between those products made by a Manufacturer for the Basic Applicant and those supplied to another company, the Multiple Listee.
: c( Y7 y: K; u( V6 l
+ b" W% f: }9 W# Q5. Index 2 x5 \/ a _1 Y, t Y# W" R
Catalogs the contents of the Procedure by some logical means, i.e. Section Number or Issue Date. # a' P8 t! p& h8 l
' G& |" ]0 f8 z/ Z* f
6. Appendices (App.)
6 V) Q& ^, _" uContains instructions for the Manufacturer and UL Representative concerning specific responsibilities and required periodic test. May also outline tests to be conducted on samples to be forwarded to UL's facilities.
( [% B5 _$ }, C+ E) H O1 zStandardized Appendix Pages are the same for all manufacturers within a particular product category.
' V6 H+ N' ` h0 r
. S/ c6 l- K, b/ }5 M8 M# p9 v7. Follow-Up Inspection Instructions (FUII) Pages
! `. h3 P h7 Y3 {Contains information similar to that in the Appendices. FUII Pages are issued as part of the Procedure when a UL Standard is used in conjunction with the Procedure and are the same for all manufacturers within a particular category. 4 n7 R. E% O0 i
" E9 A! D0 }$ {* F
8. Section General (Sec. Gen.)
( k% v( P" D# lContains description, requirements, identifications and/or specifications that are common to all products covered by the entire volume and supplements the information provided in the Description Section.
6 i8 x7 s) w1 O( _. ~8 X0 z" r* i) B- z: [1 }; h- G+ K6 P* q
9. Description Section (Sec.)
! s* Y) v' {- r- r! yContains the specific description of one or more products or systems. This includes written text supplemented by photographs, drawings, etc., as necessary to define features that affect compliance with the applicable requirements.
2 f L" t- {* N' _1 h% _% \
) B3 p7 t( R, _5 ^ p1. UL跟踪检验频次
7 `/ _; D& _/ \* {$ V% T. G8 _/ kUL对工厂实施跟踪检验频次有明确的规定。
7 p+ ]9 J9 @: e D- U
% y/ E( f7 g p* }/ T5 F9 p5 S% g● R类服务
( `* H$ d2 U( @5 Z$ h* y$ f- X- `% @& F9 q" D2 u" n
在正常情况下,对于大多数的R类工厂,检验员访问频次为每年四次,但并不排除一季度两次的可能性,除非有特殊指令,总数不得超过四次。如果检验时出现产品不符合UL要求而需要返工时,UL检验员会额外增加一次检验以确认出货时产品已经返工,且符合UL要求。 ) E/ z7 H* f( `4 e. j) g( o% Q1 P
- M. x% p6 G7 I0 I' y
对于On-Call服务,则为至少每年一次。 0 t8 [2 p2 O1 r) B/ j
5 M/ f" h8 z- z! `9 R/ B9 c+ M还有不少产品,只有最少的检验次数,如标签,印刷材料等产品,只要求每年一次,最多不超过每年两次。 # Y" i v3 P4 I. \" m
/ S+ h+ O8 m" |( y" @. W
● L类服务
O, U; C E9 o, Y8 r( O/ d' f
6 o. E6 a9 ^ u9 H0 s$ C9 d对于L类工厂,检验频次决定于UL标签的使用数量(通常和产品的产量成正比)和产品的复杂程度。UL规定了需要一次检验的产品的数量,同时也规定每一季度最大的检验次数。 ! N5 m' ^/ Z% F+ J% x% L
% n7 z' a. i2 `3 U9 Q
% ~" d1 k1 r* ^8 z8 W, w0 b* R9 i2 h( I1 t" j% d, s9 }
● 特殊检验服务(SPI) * W! Q/ u6 S8 S' ^% J% a
4 J- h% A6 a2 \2 p7 V( H如果你违反了与UL所签署的《跟踪检验协议》,你就有可能受到UL的严厉处罚,包括对你工厂实施特殊检验。
/ q" P: H" T8 J0 E
$ x; Y# V) w; a2 A5 i-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 D. ?, D6 d" c. N! P! i5 m I/ l( t7 f+ M2. UL跟踪检验费用 + B* w7 H9 F' x9 ^- R& _# `% j/ U
/ H2 S* O0 F8 o" q, ?+ bUL的跟踪检验费用由两大部分组成,其一是年度服务费,其二是跟踪检验费用。在今年,其年度服务费为580美元,在每年的一月份,UL会将帐单寄到工厂,这对于R类和L类产品都相同;如果,跟踪检验细则中要求送样到美国进行测试,则UL还会向工厂收取测试费用;对于跟踪检验费用,R类和L类产品有着很大的区别: + s' t. J3 v8 C$ s! S
) O' W9 ^+ ~( A2 {
● R类服务 7 h+ ]) z+ W7 U2 J$ J1 F
' o: e3 u9 ^1 Q8 t9 g3 w9 UR类服务,其跟踪检验费与检验次数有直接的关系。如果检验员在访问工厂时,工厂正在生产或库存有UL产品,则每次检验费用为280美元;反之,则为93.5美元;如果因产品返工而导致增加检验次数,则该次检验也按93.5美元计算。检验费用与产品的复杂程度与检验员在工厂所需的时间无直接关系。如果属于特殊检验,则一般情况下由检验在工厂所花的时间和当时检验的费率来决定,该费率在UL决定实施特殊检验时会通知工厂。帐单一般会在检验实施后的一个月内寄到。 1 r c7 r7 L/ B) f
9 }8 `" F( e& {( C/ c● L类服务 ( F, M9 j6 ^1 K1 l D7 x
6 }, q9 e! u; P. ]
对于L类服务,UL是通过标签来收取跟踪检验费用的。在工厂向UL申请购买标签时,标签的价格包含了两方面的费用:标签的成本和服务费(即UL的跟踪检验费用)。因此,UL现场代表在检验工厂时,UL不再向工厂收费,除非是大量的产品复验或是UL对工厂实施了特殊检验 |