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[短文] 女人偏爱粉色男人偏爱蓝色

发表于 2012-2-2 10:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Boys like blue, girls like pink and there isn't much anybody can do about it, researchers said in one of the first studies to show scientifically that there are gender-based color preferences.
Researchers said these differences may have a basis in evolution in which females developed a preference for reddish colors associated with riper fruit and healthier faces.
近日,由纽卡斯尔大学的神经科学家研究Anya Hurlbert指导的研究显示,人们对蓝色有所广泛的偏好,但之前并没有太多的证据证明在人们挑选颜色的时候存在性别差异这个观点。
Recent studies have suggested there is a universal preference for "blue," and there has not been much previous evidence to support the idea of sex differences when picking colors, said Anya Hurlbert, a neuro scientist at Newcastle University who led the study.
Anya Hurlbert在《现代生物学》里写道,我们推测这个性别差异是由于在劳动分工的进化过程中两性的特殊功能的专业化引起的,是生物的原因引起了对红色的喜欢。
"We speculate that this sex difference arose from sex-specific functional specialization in the evolutionary division of labor,” she wrote in Current Biology.
In the study, the researchers asked a group of men and women to look at about 1,000 pairs of colored rectangles on a computer screen in a darkroom and pick the ones they liked best as quickly as possible.
After wards, Hurlbert and colleagues plotted the results along the color spectrumand found that while men prefer blue, women gravitate towards the pinker end of the blue spectrum.
"Women have a very clear pattern. It's low in the yellow and green regions and rises to a peak in the purplish to reddish region," she said.
Hurlbert believes women's preference for pink may have evolved on top of a natural, universal preference for blue.
"When you add it together you get the colors they intrinsically like, you get bluish red, which is sort of lilac or pink," she said.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-2 10:22 | 显示全部楼层
Women have a very clear pattern. It's low in the yellow and green regions and rises to a peak in the purplish to reddish region," she said.
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