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[短文] 追踪现实中的谍影重重

发表于 2012-4-26 11:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
      Shami is a spy. He works for MI5, the British domestic security service. In an unprecedented move he was interviewed recently by the BBC for the new TV documentary series, Modern Spies.
      Shami isn’t his real name and in the interview his face is in shadow so you can’t identify him, but he speaks about his job and what motivates him.
      Peter Taylor, the BBC reporter who interviewed Shami, set out to answer this question: How close are real spies to the Jason Bournes and James Bonds of novels and the cinema?
      He asks Shami, a surveillance officer, if he has any hesitation about spying on other people. “No, not at all,” replies Shami.
      “I know why I’m doing it. I’m trying to prevent something major occurring which could lead to loss of life. That’s my biggest motivation.”
      Asked how he feels when he is mounting a surveillance operation, Shami replies: “Excited. You feel a lot of pressure, but you understand the task in hand and how serious it is. You are thinking about potential dangers and hazards which may pose a threat to yourself.
      “You have to be, what I like to call, Mr Gray, a nobody, someone you’d pass on the street and forget in a second.”
      Shami admits that his biggest fear is missing a vital piece of information, “something that will go on to cause loss of life”.
      Shami said he didn’t think he had a chance of being recruited to MI5. He hadn’t been to university. “My understanding was you had to be upper class, academically bright and a white male. I felt I had nothing to offer.”
      Nevertheless, he applied online via the MI5 website. To his amazement after a rigorous assessment, he was offered a job.
      Although Shami didn’t realize, he was exactly the kind of person MI5 was looking for to carry out surveillance.
      Taylor said: “Shami is streetwise, smart and can easily blend in to any community. Anonymity is the key to the way Shami operates.”
      Emma is another spy BBC interviewed. The London bombings of July 7, 2005 were a powerful motive in her wish to join MI5.
      Emma is an intelligence officer who works at MI5’s London headquarters while people like Shami are out on the ground.
      Her job is to analyze intelligence from a variety of different technical and human sources and from partner agencies.
      Emma said: “It’s like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle.”
      She knows that a vital piece in putting the jigsaw together comes from human sources or agents from within suspected terrorist organizations – a standard plot line in Hollywood movies.
      “They are often one of the ways in which we can ask more intelligent, nuanced questions,” said Emma.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-26 11:08 | 显示全部楼层
     Another officer, Michael, thought 007 was pure fantasy.


      “The key element of the James Bond myth is that we are some kind of paramilitary organization – that’s not the case,” said Michael.


      Anna, a colleague in MI6, the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service, said: “If James Bond worked in MI6 today he would spend a large amount of time behind a desk doing paperwork and making sure everything was properly cleared and authorized.


      “He certainly wouldn’t be the lone wolf of the films.”


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